There is no cost in exploring your options with Rebuild Now, and we understand that business decisions can be emotional. That’s why, with every free assessment by our Principal — Andrew Purcell, we offer discretionary counseling to help you understand your options. Contact us to make an appointment.

On the road again…

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Know that if you choose to listen to a liquidator (or voluntary administrator) or one of the ‘Turnaround’ websites they use, and they tell you ‘I will look after you’, be prepared to be screwed over.

Liquidators are officers of the court, sworn to put the creditors of your company before you or the business.

Rebuild Now works only for the directors/business owners. We know all the insolvency law and all the insolvency processes that a liquidator (or voluntary administrator) does but we put you first. We go through all the facts with you and we look at every aspect of your business to protect you and the business. We make sure it is all legal and is a better outcome for you and whoever you want to bring along – like your best staff, your best customers, your key suppliers, even your bank if you want.

Call for a Free Consultation 1300 366 288 Confidentiality Guaranteed

Remember the Liquidators work for the Creditors, not for you. That’s their job. It costs you nothing to talk to us.

Personal Guarantee

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