There is no cost in exploring your options with Rebuild Now, and we understand that business decisions can be emotional. That’s why, with every free assessment by our Principal — Andrew Purcell, we offer discretionary counseling to help you understand your options. Contact us to make an appointment.

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ATO Debt

The single biggest trigger for company liquidations is the Australian Taxation Office. The categories of tax debt differ, and each type has varying levels of danger to companies and its directors. PAYG and SGC can quickl ...

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Personal Guarantee

When a company is liquidated, creditors can enforce personal guarantees against directors. Here is a simple rule: never simply roll over and pay! There are various legal defences used by Rebuild Now, as well as tactical ...

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There are various tests for insolvency, but essentially, if you think the company is unable to pay its debts, it is your duty as a director to ensure you do not take on further debt. Relying on future deals, or finance t ...

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Liquidation ends a company, but not necessarily the business. Your company is not you, you are ‘merely’ the director/owner of the company. The company is not even the business within it. The company is simply the legal s ...

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A director risks bankruptcy through personal guarantees, a liquidator suing the director for recovery of a loan or drawings account, tax debt or insolvent trading. Approximately 20,000 bankruptcies occur in Australia eve ...

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Other Matters

There are many reasons directors might find themselves in a financial crisis. • Bank pressure or actual foreclosure action where bank is just trying to get you off their books can be distracting and ultimately devastatin ...

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